The site is owned by the Drummond Estate and The Inverock Trust. The development is being promoted by The Drummond Estate and Landchain, a specialist design-led, promotion and master development company.

The 82.36 acre site (33.3ha) has outline planning permission for commercial development consisting of warehousing with ancillary offices (Use Class B8) and General Industrial Buildings (Use Class B2) with access off Leicester Lane. The planning application number is Blaby District Council, 23/1066/OUT

The indicative masterplan submitted with the planning application shows a seven-unit scheme totalling 1,131,200 sq ft with units ranging from 10,150 sq ft to 505,250 sq.

In addition, Application No 19/1064/OUT is an otline application on appeal on 18th October 2014 for ‘commercial development consisting of the erection of four warehouse buildings with ancillary offices and gatehouses (Use Class B8) and one training and education centre (Use Class F1)